the fixation on the power of technology, linear processes, the much quoted silo thinking, isolated development in the laboratory and dictatorial decisions are from the past. innovation today begins with people and their needs, takes place in open and flexible processes, and involves all stakeholders who are involved in the making of a product. there is no standard process. each project is designed for the specific conditions of the task – each task requires an own approach.

values form people's behavior. and products.

people don't buy things, they buy solutions for their problems, and the problems that matter most today no longer lie on the level of pure function. in our markets it's all about self-expression, people create lifestyles that are based on their beliefs and values. they buy products and services that suit their lifestyles. this turns values into a central aspect of strategy and design: strategy identifies the values, that companies share with their users, and design turns these selected values in experience. in this way, the user can identify with an offering. or not.

Humans are in the focus.


thanks to design thinking, user-centered work is common sense today. but it is neither new nor the solution to all problems. despite all the euphoria, we need to be aware that relevance, problem-solving, user-friendliness, etc. are not the only criteria for successful products.

users provide valuable insights and sometimes even great ideas, but designers have the expertise to turn a great idea into a great product – taking into account the requirements of all stakeholders while designing an aesthetic product at the same time.

styling is just one single aspect of design. at its end.

design visualises the identity of a company. sure – but how does that work today? currently many designs are based on what is trendy – with the result that everything looks the same. design has always had the task of creating clear identities, but design thinking and design sprints have tempted us and we have become sloppy. we thought user centricity was enough for a successful product, but products always need good – distinctive design. this does not stop at the surface.

TODAY design means to create holistic experiences, answering the thrilling question how Brands are translated into brand specific atmospheres.